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All our UK Compliant Road Signs

A complete list of all our Road Signs. All are available in either standard, reflective/non-reflective aluminium or composite aluminium commmonly referred to as Dibond

Circular Giving Orders

Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 619  All vehicles prohibited619 - All vehicles prohibited
Motor vehicles prohibited
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 616  No entry616 - No entry
No entry for vehicular traffic
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 619.1 All motor vehicles prohibited619.1 - All motor vehicles prohibited
Motor vehicles except solo motor cycles prohibited
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 619.2 Motorcycles Prohibited619.2 - Motorcycles Prohibited
Solo motor cycles prohibited
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 622.4 No Articulated Vehicles622.4 - No Articulated Vehicles
Articulated vehicles prohibited
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 952 No buses952 - No buses
Buses prohibited
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 951 No cycling951 - No cycling
Riding of pedal cycles prohibited
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 622.5 No Horse drawn vehicles622.5 - No Horse drawn vehicles
Horse drawn vehicles prohibited
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 622.6 No horses622.6 - No horses
Ridden or accompanied horses prohibited
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 613 No left turn613 - No left turn
No left turn
Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 632 No overtaking632 - No overtaking
No overtaking
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 625.1 No Pedestrians625.1 - No Pedestrians
Pedestrians prohibited
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 612 No right turn612 - No right turn
No left turn for vehicular traffic
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 642 No stopping642 - No stopping
No stopping on main carriageway
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 622.4 No Track laying Vehicles622.4 - No Track laying Vehicles
Articulated vehicles prohibited
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 614 No U turns614 - No U turns
No U-turns for vehicular traffic
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 617 No vehicles617 - No vehicles
All vehicles prohibited except pedal cycles being pushed by pedestrians
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 636 No waiting636 - No waiting
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 615 Priority to oncoming traffic615 - Priority to oncoming traffic
Priority must be given to vehicles from the opposite direction
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Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 605.2 Stop children605.2 - Stop children
Vehicles must not go beyond the sign where displayed by a school crossing patrol
Road Signs | Circular Giving Orders | 633 Stop police633 - Stop police
Vehicular traffic must not go beyond the sign where displayed temporarily by a constable in uniform or by a traffic warden
Official PDF Diagram

Directional Signs

Road Signs | Directional Signs | 610L  Keep left610L - Keep left
Road Signs | Directional Signs | 606 Ahead only606 - Ahead only
Vehicular traffic must proceed in the direction indicated by the arrow
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 2704 Diversion2704 - Diversion
Direction of temporary diversion route
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 2702 Diversion 22702 - Diversion 2
Start of temporary diversion route to the left
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 2702 Diversion 32702 - Diversion 3
Start of temporary diversion route to the left
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 2703 Diversion Left2703 - Diversion Left
Direction of temporary diversion route from junction ahead
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 610 Keep right610 - Keep right
Vehicular traffic passing the sign must keep to the left of the sign
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 611.1 Mini Roundabout611.1 - Mini Roundabout
Vehicles entering the junction must give way to traffic to vehicles coming from the right
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 652 One way traffic652 - One way traffic
One-way traffic
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 611 Pass Either side611 - Pass Either side
Vehicular traffic may reach the same destination by passing either side of the sign
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 810 Pedestrian Information - One way810 - Pedestrian Information - One way
One-way traffic in direction indicated (sign for pedestrians)
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 810 Pedestrian One way right810 - Pedestrian One way right
One-way traffic in direction indicated (sign for pedestrians)
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 811 Priority over vehicles from the opposite direction811 - Priority over vehicles from the opposite direction
Traffic has priority over vehicles from the opposite direction
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 606 Turn left606 - Turn left
Vehicular traffic must proceed in the direction indicated by the arrow
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 609 Turn left ahead609 - Turn left ahead
Vehicular traffic must turn ahead in the direction indicated by the arrow
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 606 Turn right606 - Turn right
Vehicular traffic must proceed in the direction indicated by the arrow
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Road Signs | Directional Signs | 609 Turn right ahead609 - Turn right ahead
Vehicular traffic must turn ahead in the direction indicated by the arrow
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EV Charging Signs

Road Signs | EV Charging Signs | 660.9 EV Parking only while recharging660.9 - EV Parking only while recharging
parking for electric vehicles only while charging.
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Road Signs | EV Charging Signs | 660.9 EV Permit Holders Only660.9 - EV Permit Holders Only
Electric vehicle recharging point Permit holders only.
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Road Signs | EV Charging Signs | 660.9 EV Recharging arrow left660.9 - EV Recharging arrow left
Electric vehicle recharging to the left.
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Road Signs | EV Charging Signs | 660.9 EV Recharging arrow right660.9 - EV Recharging arrow right
Electric vehicle recharging to the right.
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Road Signs | EV Charging Signs | 660.9 EV Recharging max stay660.9 - EV Recharging max stay
Electric vehicle recharging point max stay 3 hours.
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Road Signs | EV Charging Signs | 660.9 EV Recharging Only660.9 - EV Recharging Only
Electric vehicle rechaging only.
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Road Signs | EV Charging Signs | 660.9 EV Recharging Point Chevron Left660.9 - EV Recharging Point Chevron Left
EV recharging point to the left.
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Road Signs | EV Charging Signs | 660.9 EV recharging Point Chevron Right660.9 - EV recharging Point Chevron Right
Ev recharging to the right.
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Road Signs | EV Charging Signs | 660.9 EV Recharging Point Only660.9 - EV Recharging Point Only
Electric vehicle recharging point only.
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Road Signs | Informational | 818.1 - Dual818.1 - - Dual
Distance of 2 miles to a section of dual carriageway ahead
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Road Signs | Informational | 818 Dual818 - Dual
Section of dual carriageway road begins ahead
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Road Signs | Informational | 511 Heavy plant511 - Heavy plant
Reduction in speed necessary for a change in road layout ahead
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Road Signs | Informational | 827.2 Hospital A and E827.2 - Hospital A and E
Hospital ahead with accident and emergency facilities
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Road Signs | Informational | 827.2 Hospital A and E 2827.2 - Hospital A and E 2
Hospital ahead with accident and emergency facilities
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Road Signs | Informational | 827.1 No A and E827.1 - No A and E
Hospital ahead without accident and emergency facilities
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Road Signs | Informational | 511 Reduce speed511 - Reduce speed
Reduction in speed necessary for a change in road layout ahead
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Octagonal Signs

Road Signs | Octagonal Signs | 601.1 Stop sign601.1 - Stop sign
Stop before crossing the traverse line on the road and ensure the way is clear before entering a major road
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Parking Management

Road Signs | Parking Management | 660 Business660 - Business
Parking place reserved for doctor permit holders
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 660 Card holders660 - Card holders
Parking place reserved for doctor permit holders
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 2603 Cycle parking arrow up2603 - Cycle parking arrow up
Junction ahead leading to a parking place for pedal cycles
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 661 Disabled badge holders sign661 - Disabled badge holders sign
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 661 Disabled badge holders sign 2661 - Disabled badge holders sign 2
Parking for disabled badge holders only, at all times. Older signs may still show the orange badge symbol; these should be replaced by the end of 2009
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 660 Doctor660 - Doctor
Parking place reserved for doctor permit holders
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 660.4 Goods660.4 - Goods
Bay reserved for loading and unloading by goods vehicles
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 660.4 Loading660.4 - Loading
Bay reserved for loading and unloading by goods vehicles
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 667.2 No partial verge parking667.2 - No partial verge parking
End of area where vehicles may be parked partially on the verge or footway
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 668.2 No Verge parking668.2 - No Verge parking
End of area where vehicles may be parked wholly on the verge or footway
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 661.1 Parking 2661.1 - Parking 2
Parking place for buses only during the times shown
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 661.1 Parking 3661.1 - Parking 3
Parking place for buses only during the times shown
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 661.1 Parking 4661.1 - Parking 4
Parking place for buses only during the times shown
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 661.1 Parking 5661.1 - Parking 5
Parking place for buses only during the times shown
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 2502 Parking and phone left2502 - Parking and phone left
Distance to a commercial vehicles parking place ahead with public toilets and telephones
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 2501 Parking arrow left2501 - Parking arrow left
Distance to a parking place ahead
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 2501 Parking arrow right2501 - Parking arrow right
Distance to a parking place ahead
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 2604 Parking for Cycles X yards2604 - Parking for Cycles X yards
Direction and distance to a free parking place for pedal cycles
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 667.1 Parking on verge permitted at certain times667.1 - Parking on verge permitted at certain times
Vehicles may be parked partially on the verge or footway in marked bays
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 801 Parking place801 - Parking place
Parking place
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 2501 Parking X miles ahead2501 - Parking X miles ahead
Distance to a parking place ahead
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 2501 Parking X yards2501 - Parking X yards
Distance to a parking place ahead
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 2501 Parking X yards ahead2501 - Parking X yards ahead
Distance to a parking place ahead
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 667.1 Partial parking on verge permitted at certain times667.1 - Partial parking on verge permitted at certain times
Vehicles may be parked partially on the verge or footway in marked bays
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 667 Partial verge parking permitted667 - Partial verge parking permitted
Vehicles may be parked partially on the verge or footway
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 661.4 Pay and display661.4 - Pay and display
Reminder to pay and display at on-street parking place
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 661.4 Pay and display 2661.4 - Pay and display 2
Reminder to pay and display at on-street parking place
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 660 Permit holders660 - Permit holders
Parking place reserved for doctor permit holders
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 660 Resident660 - Resident
Parking place reserved for doctor permit holders
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Road Signs | Parking Management | 668 Verge parking permitted668 - Verge parking permitted
Vehicles may be parked wholly on the verge or footway
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Speed Limit Signs

Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 670 Maximum Speed 10mph670 - Maximum Speed 10mph
Maximum speed limit of X miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 670 Maximum Speed 15mph670 - Maximum Speed 15mph
Maximum speed limit of X miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 670 Maximum Speed 20mph670 - Maximum Speed 20mph
Maximum speed limit of X miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 670 Maximum Speed 25mph670 - Maximum Speed 25mph
Maximum speed limit of X miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 670 Maximum Speed 30mph670 - Maximum Speed 30mph
Maximum speed limit of X miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 670 Maximum Speed 40mph670 - Maximum Speed 40mph
Maximum speed limit of X miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 670 Maximum Speed 50mph670 - Maximum Speed 50mph
Maximum speed limit of X miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 670 Maximum Speed 5mph670 - Maximum Speed 5mph
Maximum speed limit of X miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 670 Maximum Speed 60mph670 - Maximum Speed 60mph
Maximum speed limit of X miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 670 Maximum Speed 70mph670 - Maximum Speed 70mph
Maximum speed limit of X miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 672 Minimum Speed 30mph672 - Minimum Speed 30mph
Minimum speed limit of 30 miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 672 Minimum Speed 40mph672 - Minimum Speed 40mph
Minimum speed limit of 30 miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 672 Minimum Speed 50mph672 - Minimum Speed 50mph
Minimum speed limit of 30 miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 672 Minimum Speed 60mph672 - Minimum Speed 60mph
Minimum speed limit of 30 miles per hour
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 673 Minimum Speed ends673 - Minimum Speed ends
End of 30 miles per hour minimum speed limit
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 671 National speed limit671 - National speed limit
National speed limits apply
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Road Signs | Speed Limit Signs | 674 Zone 3674 - Zone 3
Entrance to a 20 miles per hour speed limit zone
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Supplementary Plates

Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 620 Access620 - Access
Vehicles requiring access are exempted from the prohibition conveyed by the associated sign
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Accident563 - Accident
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 513.2 Advisory speed513.2 - Advisory speed
Maximum speed of 30 miles per hour advised at a bend or other hazard
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Ambulance563 - Ambulance
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 531.2 Arch bridge531.2 - Arch bridge
High vehicles to use middle of road at arch bridge ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 573 Arrow573 - Arrow
Distance and direction to hazard
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Blasting563 - Blasting
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 547.7 Blind children547.7 - Blind children
Blind children likely to cross road ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 547.4 Blind people547.4 - Blind people
Blind pedestrians likely to cross road ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Blind summit563 - Blind summit
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 954.3 Bus_cycle954.3 - Bus_cycle
Buses and cycles excluded from restriction or prohibition conveyed by associated sign
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 954.3 Bus_cycle 2954.3 - Bus_cycle 2
Buses and cycles excluded from restriction or prohibition conveyed by associated sign
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Cable repairs563 - Cable repairs
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 513.1 Camber513.1 - Camber
Adverse camber on a bend or roundabout
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Census563 - Census
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 950.1 Cycle tests950.1 - Cycle tests
Testing of child cyclists ahead
Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 547.7 Deaf children547.7 - Deaf children
Blind children likely to cross road ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 547.7 Disabled547.7 - Disabled
Blind children likely to cross road ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 547.4 Disabled people547.4 - Disabled people
Blind pedestrians likely to cross road ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 608 Dual carriage608 - Dual carriage
Dual carriageway
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Dust cloud563 - Dust cloud
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 547.4 Elderly people547.4 - Elderly people
Blind pedestrians likely to cross road ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 645 End645 - End
End of restriction or prohibition conveyed by an associated sign
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 954 Except buses954 - Except buses
Buses excluded from restriction or prohibition conveyed by associated sign
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 954.4 Except cycles954.4 - Except cycles
Cycles excluded from restriction or prohibition conveyed by associated sign
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Fallen tree563 - Fallen tree
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 553.2 Farm traffic553.2 - Farm traffic
Agricultural vehicles likely to be in road ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Fire station563 - Fire station
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Flooding563 - Flooding
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 570 For X miles570 - For X miles
Hazard or prohibition extends for 2 miles
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Frost damage563 - Frost damage
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 503 Give way503 - Give way
50 yards to junction ahead controlled by a GIVE WAY sign
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 558.2 Gliders558.2 - Gliders
Gliders likely ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Hidden dip563 - Hidden dip
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 553 Horse drawn553 - Horse drawn
By-pass of cattle grid for horse drawn vehicles
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 557.4 Hump557.4 - Hump
Road hump to the right and at 20 yards
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 547.6 Humped pelican547.6 - Humped pelican
Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 547.5 Humped zebra547.5 - Humped zebra
Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 557.3 Humps557.3 - Humps
Road humps ahead to the right for 300 yards
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 554.3 Ice554.3 - Ice
Ice ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 548.1 Lights548.1 - Lights
Supervised cattle crossing 200 yards ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 954.2 Local buses954.2 - Local buses
Local buses excluded from restriction or prohibition conveyed by associated sign
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 526 Low gear526 - Low gear
Drivers should keep in low gear for steep hill or tight bend
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 527 Low gear for X miles527 - Low gear for X miles
Drivers should keep in low gear for 1.5 miles
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 525 Low gear Now525 - Low gear Now
Drivers should engage low gear for steep hill
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 547.3 No footway547.3 - No footway
No footway for 400 yards
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 618.1 No vehicles618.1 - No vehicles
All vehicles prohibited
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 575 Oncoming575 - Oncoming
Large vehicles likely to be in middle of road because of narrowness of carriageway
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 607 One way607 - One way
One-way traffic
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 953.2 Only953.2 - Only
Explanatory plate for tramcar and bus and cycle only route signs
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 530.1 Overhanging530.1 - Overhanging
Reduced headroom over part of road due to overhanging building ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 543.1 Part time543.1 - Part time
Traffic signals ahead that only operate at certain times
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 822 Passing822 - Passing
Passing place on a narrow road
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 547.1 Patrol547.1 - Patrol
School crossing patrol ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 543.1 Peak hour543.1 - Peak hour
Traffic signals ahead that only operate at certain times
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 618 Play street618 - Play street
All vehicles prohibited from 'Play Street' during the period indicated except for access
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 547.2 Playground547.2 - Playground
Children's playground ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 811.1 Priority811.1 - Priority
Traffic has priority over vehicles from the opposite direction
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 546 School546 - School
School ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 518 Single file518 - Single file
Convergence of traffic to a single file in each direction
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 519 Single track519 - Single track
Road only wide enough for one line of vehicles
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 583.1 Slow loies Slow lorries583.1 Slow loies - Slow lorries
Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 563 Smoke563 - Smoke
Blasting danger ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 554.3 Snow drifts554.3 - Snow drifts
Ice ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 556.2 Soft verges556.2 - Soft verges
Soft verges for 2 miles
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 502 Stop502 - Stop
100 yards to a junction ahead controlled by a STOP sign
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 865 Test centre865 - Test centre
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 553.2 Tractors553.2 - Tractors
Agricultural vehicles likely to be in road ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 553.2 Wide vehicles553.2 - Wide vehicles
Agricultural vehicles likely to be in road ahead
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 572 X yds572 - X yds
400 yards ahead to hazard
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Road Signs | Supplementary Plates | 573 X yds with arrow573 - X yds with arrow
Distance and direction to hazard
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triangular warning signs

Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 550.1 Beware of Accompanied Horses550.1 - Beware of Accompanied Horses
Accompanied horses or ponies likely to be in or crossing road ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 553.1 Beware of Agricultural Vehicles553.1 - Beware of Agricultural Vehicles
Agricultural vehicles likely to be in road ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 548 Beware of Cattle548 - Beware of Cattle
Cattle likely to be in road ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 545 Beware of Children545 - Beware of Children
Children going to or from school or playground ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 559 Beware of Falling rocks559 - Beware of Falling rocks
Risk of falling or fallen rocks ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 554.2 Beware of Ice or snow554.2 - Beware of Ice or snow
Risk of ice or packed snow ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 558 Beware of Low aircraft558 - Beware of Low aircraft
Low flying aircraft or sudden aircraft noise likely ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 558.1 Beware of Low helicopters558.1 - Beware of Low helicopters
Low flying helicopters or sudden helicopter noise likely ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 582 Beware of Military Vehicles582 - Beware of Military Vehicles
Slow moving military vehicles likely to be crossing or in the road
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 779 Beware of Overhead cable779 - Beware of Overhead cable
Electrified overhead cable ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 549 Beware of Sheep549 - Beware of Sheep
Sheep likely to be in road ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 551.1 Beware of Toads crossing551.1 - Beware of Toads crossing
Migratory toad crossing ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 551 Beware of Wild animals551 - Beware of Wild animals
Wild animals likely to be in road ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 551.2 Beware of Wild fowl551.2 - Beware of Wild fowl
Wild fowl likely to be in road ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 550 Beware of Wild horses550 - Beware of Wild horses
Wild horses or ponies likely to be in road ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 556.1 Beware Soft verges556.1 - Beware Soft verges
Soft verges ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 552 Cattle grid552 - Cattle grid
Cattle grid ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 770 Crossing barrier Ahead770 - Crossing barrier Ahead
Level crossing with gate or barrier ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 504.1 Crossroads Ahead504.1 - Crossroads Ahead
Crossroads ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 504.1 Crossroads Ahead 2504.1 - Crossroads Ahead 2
Crossroads ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 504.1 Crossroads Ahead 3504.1 - Crossroads Ahead 3
Crossroads ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 950 Cycle route ahead950 - Cycle route ahead
Cycle route ahead warning
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 513 Double bend first to left513 - Double bend first to left
Double bend or series of bends ahead, first to the left
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 513 Double bend first to right513 - Double bend first to right
Double bend or series of bends ahead, first to the left
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 520 Dual Carriageway ends ahead520 - Dual Carriageway ends ahead
Dual carriageway ends ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 544.2 Elderly People544.2 - Elderly People
Frail or disabled pedestrians likely to cross road ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 554 Flood Warning Sign554 - Flood Warning Sign
Flood warning sign
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 554 Ford Warning Sign554 - Ford Warning Sign
Flood warning sign
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 554 Gate Warning Sign554 - Gate Warning Sign
Flood warning sign
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 602 Give way602 - Give way
Give way to traffic on the major road
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 782 Grounding risk782 - Grounding risk
Risk of grounding at a railway or tramway level crossing or hump backed bridge
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 528 Hump back bridge528 - Hump back bridge
Hump bridge ahead
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Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 501 Junction501 - Junction
Junction ahead controlled by a STOP or GIVE WAY sign
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 512 Left Bend ahead512 - Left Bend ahead
Bend ahead to the left
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 512.2 Left junction on inside of bend ahead512.2 - Left junction on inside of bend ahead
Junction on left bend ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 512.1 Left junction on outside of bend ahead512.1 - Left junction on outside of bend ahead
Junction on right bend ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 771 Level crossing without gate or barrier ahead771 - Level crossing without gate or barrier ahead
Railway level crossing without gate or barrier ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 554 No smoking554 - No smoking
Flood warning sign
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 529 Opening or swing bridge ahead529 - Opening or swing bridge ahead
Opening or swing bridge ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 562 Other danger562 - Other danger
Other danger ahead. Plate beneath indicates the nature of the hazard
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 544 Pedestrian Crossing544 - Pedestrian Crossing
Zebra crossing ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 544.1 Pedestrians in road544.1 - Pedestrians in road
Pedestrians in road ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 555 Quayside Ahead555 - Quayside Ahead
Quayside or river bank ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 512 Right Bend ahead512 - Right Bend ahead
Bend ahead to the left
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 512.2 Right junction on inside of bend ahead512.2 - Right junction on inside of bend ahead
Junction on left bend ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 512.1 Right junction on outside of  bend ahead512.1 - Right junction on outside of bend ahead
Junction on right bend ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 557.1 Road humps ahead557.1 - Road humps ahead
Road hump or series of road humps ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 516 Road Narrows Ahead516 - Road Narrows Ahead
Road narrows on both sides ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 517 Road Narrows on left ahead517 - Road Narrows on left ahead
Road narrows on left ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 517 Road Narrows on right ahead517 - Road Narrows on right ahead
Road narrows on left ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 7001 Road works7001 - Road works
Road works or temporary obstruction of the carriageway ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 510 Roundabout Ahead510 - Roundabout Ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 506.1L2 Side road Ahead 2506.1L2 - Side road Ahead 2
Side road ahead (left)
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 506.12 Side road Ahead 3506.12 - Side road Ahead 3
Side Road
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 506.1 Side road Ahead 4506.1 - Side road Ahead 4
Side Road
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 506.1L Side road Ahead Left506.1L - Side road Ahead Left
Side road ahead (left)
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 581 Side winds581 - Side winds
Side winds likely ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 557 Slippery road557 - Slippery road
Slippery road ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 583 Slow vehicles583 - Slow vehicles
Slow moving vehicles likely on incline ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 507.1 Staggered Junction Ahead507.1 - Staggered Junction Ahead
Staggered junction ahead (left/right)
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 507.1 Staggered Junction Ahead 2507.1 - Staggered Junction Ahead 2
Staggered junction ahead (left/right)
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 507.1 Staggered Junction Ahead 3507.1 - Staggered Junction Ahead 3
Staggered junction ahead (left/right)
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 507.1 Staggered Junction Ahead 4507.1 - Staggered Junction Ahead 4
Staggered junction ahead (left/right)
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 523.1 Steep hill downwards523.1 - Steep hill downwards
Steep hill downwards ahead (10%)
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 524.1 Steep hill upwards524.1 - Steep hill upwards
Steep hill upwards ahead (20%)
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 505.1 T junction Ahead505.1 - T junction Ahead
T-junction ahead (left)
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 505.1 T junction Ahead 2505.1 - T junction Ahead 2
T-junction ahead (left)
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 543 Traffic lights or Traffic signals543 - Traffic lights or Traffic signals
Traffic signals ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 772 Tramcars Crossing Ahead772 - Tramcars Crossing Ahead
Tramcars crossing ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 554.1 Try Your Brakes554.1 - Try Your Brakes
Risk of brake failure after crossing a ford or before descending a steep gradient
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 529.1 Tunnel ahead529.1 - Tunnel ahead
Tunnel ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 521 Two-way traffic521 - Two-way traffic
Two-way traffic
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 522 Two-way traffic on route crossing ahead522 - Two-way traffic on route crossing ahead
Two-way traffic on route crossing ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | triangular warning signs | 556 Uneven road Surface556 - Uneven road Surface
Uneven road ahead
Official PDF Diagram

Vehicle Access

Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 965 965 - End of Cycle Route965 - 965 - End of Cycle Route
End of cycle lane, track or route
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 953 Buses cycle taxi route only953 - Buses cycle taxi route only
Route for use by buses and cycles only
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 967 Cycle967 - Cycle
Route recommended for pedal cycles on the main carriageway of a road
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 959.1 Cycle lane959.1 - Cycle lane
With-flow cycle lane
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 955 Cycles only955 - Cycles only
Route for use by pedal cycles only
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | vehicle access | 956 Cyclists and Pedestrians 1956 - Cyclists and Pedestrians 1
Route for use by pedal cycles and pedestrians only
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 966 Dismount966 - Dismount
Cyclists to dismount at the end if, or at a break in, a cycle lane, track or route
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 622.2 End of goods vehicle prohibition622.2 - End of goods vehicle prohibition
End of prohibition of goods vehicles exceeding the maximum gross weight indicated in a previous sign
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 833 In833 - In
Entrance to a car park, private access road or property
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 784 Large vehicles784 - Large vehicles
At automatic level crossings, drivers of large or slow vehicles must phone before and after crossing
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 836 No entry836 - No entry
Entry to a car park, private access road or property from a public road not allowed
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 835 No exit835 - No exit
Exit from a car park, private access road or property from a public road not allowed
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 816 No through road816 - No through road
No through road for vehicular traffic
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 817 No through road leading off a junction ahead817 - No through road leading off a junction ahead
No through road for vehicular traffic in direction indicated from junction ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 817 No through road leading off a junction ahead left817 - No through road leading off a junction ahead left
No through road for vehicular traffic in direction indicated from junction ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 834 Out834 - Out
Exit from a car park, private access road or property
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 651 Prohibition651 - Prohibition
Use of verge maintained in mown or ornamental condition by specified traffic prohibited
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 651 Prohibition 2651 - Prohibition 2
Use of verge maintained in mown or ornamental condition by specified traffic prohibited
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 651 Prohibition 3651 - Prohibition 3
Use of verge maintained in mown or ornamental condition by specified traffic prohibited
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 651 Prohibition 4651 - Prohibition 4
Use of verge maintained in mown or ornamental condition by specified traffic prohibited
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | vehicle access | 957 Seperate Route For Cyclists and Pedestrians957 - Seperate Route For Cyclists and Pedestrians
Route comprising a separated track and path for cycles and pedestrians
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 821 Single track821 - Single track
Route ahead only wide enough for one line of vehicles, but has passing places at intervals
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 821 Single track 2821 - Single track 2
Route ahead only wide enough for one line of vehicles, but has passing places at intervals
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 773 Stop lights773 - Stop lights
Warning of light signals at a level crossing without a gate or barrier ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 820 Unsuitable820 - Unsuitable
Road unsuitable for articulated vehicles
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 820 Unsuitable 3820 - Unsuitable 3
Road unsuitable for articulated vehicles
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 820 Unsuitable 4820 - Unsuitable 4
Road unsuitable for articulated vehicles
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 820 Unsuitable 5820 - Unsuitable 5
Road unsuitable for articulated vehicles
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 820 Unsuitable 6820 - Unsuitable 6
Road unsuitable for articulated vehicles
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 820 Unsuitable 7820 - Unsuitable 7
Road unsuitable for articulated vehicles
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Vehicle Access | 820 Unsuitable 8820 - Unsuitable 8
Road unsuitable for articulated vehicles
Official PDF Diagram

Width or Height Restriction

Road Signs | Width or Height Restriction | 531.1 Arch bridge531.1 - Arch bridge
Maximum headroom of 12'-6'' at arch bridge ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Width or Height Restriction | 531.1 Arch bridge ft531.1 - Arch bridge ft
Maximum headroom of 12'-6'' at arch bridge ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Width or Height Restriction | 622.1 Goods vehicles weight622.1 - Goods vehicles weight
No goods vehicles over maximum gross weight shown in tonnes
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Width or Height Restriction | 629.2 Height limit629.2 - Height limit
Vehicles exceeding 14'-6'' in height prohibited
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Width or Height Restriction | 629.1 Length limit629.1 - Length limit
No vehicles or combinations of vehicles over maximum length shown
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Width or Height Restriction | 530 Max headroom530 - Max headroom
Maximum headroom of 14'-6'' at hazard ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Width or Height Restriction | 530 Max headroom ft530 - Max headroom ft
Maximum headroom of 14'-6'' at hazard ahead
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Width or Height Restriction | 629.2 Vehicle Height limit629.2 - Vehicle Height limit
Vehicles exceeding 14'-6'' in height prohibited
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Width or Height Restriction | 629.1 Vehicle length629.1 - Vehicle length
No vehicles or combinations of vehicles over maximum length shown
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Width or Height Restriction | 629 Width limit629 - Width limit
Vehicles exceeding 32'-6'' in width indicated prohibited
Official PDF Diagram
Road Signs | Width or Height Restriction | 629 Width limit ft629 - Width limit ft
Vehicles exceeding 32'-6'' in width indicated prohibited
Official PDF Diagram


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